Finding Support with NDIS Employment Support Providers

Finding and staying at work can be very hard for many Australians with disabilities. But there are NDIS Employment Support Providers who helped these people with disabilities to realize their employment goals. Alex, with autism, had always wanted to work in a café. His NSW disability employment provider said he overcame the barriers to realize his dream with support from his NDIS employment support providers. He had job searching and resume writing, interview preparation, on-the-job training—everything—supported by his support workers. Alex worked closely with them; they helped him identify the words of his strengths and weaknesses in the workplace and later came up with strategies to bring the best out every time he worked. Their involvement, their guidance, and their support enabled Alex to gain the confidence and skill that enabled him to secure a position as a barista. He continued to have support workers to help him develop job skills and to form strong relationships with his col...