
Showing posts from March, 2024

Strewth! Don't Let Steps Stop You: Modular Ramps for Easy Aussie Home Access

Struggle with steps at your Aussie home? No worries, cobber! Modular ramps are a fair dinkum solution for creating easy and safe ramp access to house for everyone. They're like Swiss Army knives for your entrance, adapting to conquer those pesky steps, uneven ground, or that tricky raised doorway. Bev's Story: Keeping Active with a Modular Mate Take Bev down in Bondi, for instance. A champion netball player in her youth, her knees weren't quite what they used to be. Those three steps up to her front porch were becoming a bit of a hurdle.  "It got to the point where I felt a bit trapped in my own home," Bev recalls. "I worried about taking a tumble, so I wasn't going out and seeing my friends as much." Thankfully, Bev's niece introduced her to the idea of modular ramps for house access. "At first, I wasn't sure," Bev admits. "But then I saw how easy they were to put together, and how they could fold up neatly when I didn't ...